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Public Safety

  1. Staunch supporter of first responders, will ensure funding, supplies, equipment and policies allow them to do their job and keep us safe

  2. Advocate against Prop 47 and similar policies that undermine safe communities and businesses

  3. Facilitate conversations between police department, city attorney, city council, police review board, and the public for mutual understanding of the priorities, methods, and resources needed for a safe Anaheim


  1. Continue to partner with existing non-profit organizations addressing the homeless crisis

    1.  i.e. Salvation Army shelters in 5th district, Beach Boulevard motel renovations, etc.

    2. Tackle the problem effectively and with compassion. â€‹

  2. Projects that get results will be enhanced and those that don’t will be redirected. 

  3. Minimize the impact of this mission on Anaheim families and stray away from projects that seek to rehabilitate within neighborhoods and near schools.

Economic Development/Business

  1. Anaheim needs to be:

    1. Attractive to vibrant new businesses (less regulations, supportive policies on inspections and remedies, be willing to change i.e. outdoor seating and Promenade)

    2. Supportive of existing companies (not antagonistic to major employers, negotiating consensus amongst various interests towards a prosperous standard of living for Anaheim families.)

    3. Inviting for high-quality businesses that provide well-paying jobs so the breadwinners of Anaheim families can work in the same cities where they live. (supportive of businesses beyond the Resort District and Platinum Triangle)

  2. “Our economy should favor activities that integrate and improve the high standards of lifestyle that our people expect and elevate the proud identity we have as the entertainment and business capital of California.”

  3.  Disney, Resort District, Convention Center, Angels and Ducks put Anaheim on the map and are foundational to city identity

    1. Financial benefits from these assets should benefit city services, public safety, beautification

    2. Make it work for the people, net positive for the Anaheim taxpayer

    3. Priority for many voters is to keep the Angels in Anaheim

Public Safety

  1. Staunch supporter of police, will ensure funding, supplies, equipment and policies allow them to do their job and keep us safe

  2. Advocate against Prop 47 and similar policies that undermine safe communities and businesses

  3. Conversations between police department, city attorney, city council, police review board, and the public for mutual understanding of the priorities, methods, and resources needed for a safe Anaheim

Government Accountability & Transparency

  1. Events in recent history have damaged the public trust with City Hall.

  2. Kristen is well-positioned to rebuild that trust. 

  3. Transparency of her decisions is the guiding principle for her plans on the council and major negotiations involving the city will be made with every possible assurance of impartiality.

  4. Anaheim residents will know Kristen as their voice on the council and her dedication to what is best for this city will be proven by her accountability to her constituents.

City Pensions

  1. Will prioritize the fiscal responsibility to be able to help employees provide for their families, their health, and their ability to enjoy their retirement once they clock out for the last time. 

  2. Wasteful spending will be identified and eliminated while the savings go to guaranteeing Anaheim taxpayers receive world-class services.

  3. Pensions/benefits will be prioritized

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